Validate Schedule of Work Estimate


Validate Schedule of Work command will be validating the availability of Cost/Revenue Elements, Cost Sub Project, Revenue Sub Project, Cost Activity , Revenue Activity and Cost Type values in your Schedule of Work Items or Details lines. Cost Element Mandatory, Revenue Element Mandatory, Sub Project Mandatory and Activity Mandatory flagged specified in your Schedule of Work header will be used as validation criteria.

When mandatory values are not specified, respective errors will be added to the Validation Errors field in Schedule of Work Items. User will not be allowed to performed the Calculate Value command or state transitions of respective lines until those validation errors are fixed.

When any of the validation flags are set as not mandatory, Validation Schedule of Work command will be adding validation warnings to Validation Warnings field in respective Schedule of Work item lines. User will be allowed to continue with Calculate Value command or state transitions ignoring those warnings when those warnings are not a concern.

When a Cost Element value selected in your Schedule of Work detail lines is not connected to a Cost Type, then validation warning will be added as an early indicator of Unconnected Cost Type. Your Cost Element need to be connected to a Cost Type only if you are interested of seen cost distribution in Schedule of Work Summary pages.


Schedule of Work should be entered.

System Effects

Schedule of Work Estimate is ready to perform the Calculate Values or state transitions.