View Capability Indices Graph


This activity is used to view capability indices for a specific control plan line graphically.

To create a capability indices graph for a specific control plan line, click Capability Indices Chart on the control plan lines tab on the Control Plan - Manufacturing, Control Plan - Purchasing or Control Plan - Inventory page and enter the conditions of the calculation in the Capability Indices Graph dialog. A time period, what frequency to use, what specification limits to use when calculating the graph and what capability indices values to be displayed by the graph is specified. Finally click Create Graph.

To view the capability indices graph for a specific control plan line select the record for the control plan line in the record selector in the Capability Indices Chart page. Alternately navigate to the Capability Indices Chart page from the Capability Indices Charts page by selecting the relevant graph and clicking Capability Indices Graph. The X-axis of the graph shows the frequency at which capability indices are calculated. The capability indices result is plotted against the frequency. If the frequency is monthly, it will display the full date of each month. If the frequency is weekly or a number of days, it will display sequence numbers starting from one.

If you want to view the measurement data used for the calculations click Sample Data in the Capability Indices Chart page. This opens the Sample Data - Capability Indices page. The measurement data used for the calculations is displayed in the Result column. If you want to print the graph, click Print Capability Indices Graph in the Capability Indices Chart page. If you want to print sample data click Print Sample Data in the Capability Indices Chart page.


At least one control plan must exist, and at least two analyses for at least one control plan line in this control plan must be in status Complete. Capability Indices must be enabled for the control plan line.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, capability indices are calculated for a specific control plan line in a control plan. They are also displayed graphically.