Print Barcode Labels from Receipt


Barcode labels should be printed when an arrival is entered. Information printed on the barcode label for parts includes part number, any lot/batch number, any W/D/R number, pack size, any serial number, engineering change level, condition code, Project ID, Activity Sequence and the barcode. The system randomly assigns the barcode ID.

When you print barcode labels for parts, a dialog appears in which standard pack size either is indicated automatically or must be specified by you. This depends on whether a default value for the standard pack size is entered for the sender for the related purchase part. The quantity of barcode labels that will be printed is calculated from the standard pack size. Example: The sender always delivers the parts in packages of ten parts. This receipt line has an lot size of 50 parts. If you enter ten (10) in this field, the system calculates how many barcode labels will be printed. In this case, five barcode labels will be printed. If serial tracking is used, the standard pack size must be one (1); using our example, 50 barcode labels would be printed if the parts were serial handled.

Barcode labels can be printed several times. A barcode ID is assigned every time you reprint the barcode labels.


System Effects

Barcode labels for parts are printed according to the standard pack size.