Report Arrival of Entire Shipment


All receipt lines must be entered as arrived and, when using dispatch advice, this is done in the Register Full Shipment Arrivals page or in the Register Partial Shipment Arrivals page. This includes orders concerning inventory parts and non-inventory parts.

You can, however, receive an entire shipment if you decide to accept it as it is, without processing any lines separately.

In such case user can do the receive using the dialog either in the Incoming Dispatch Advice page or in the Register Full Shipment Arrivals page. Here the user can specify the site/location for the receipt or use the default site/ location proposed by the system if those values exist. Receipt reference value by default would be the delivery note number of the incoming dispatch advice but later can be modified by the user before receiving the shipment.

If one or more of the following applies to any of the order lines, the Receipt Reference value is mandatory before performing the header receipt:


System Effects

The inventory registered parts are entered as arrived if you have chosen so in the displayed dialog. The dispatch advice part lines acquires the status Arrived. The dispatch advice acquires the status Arrived.

The inventory parts are entered as arrived. The receipt line status is different, depending on:

For non-inventory registered purchase parts and no-number parts:

When receiving a shipment order that is used to move purchased parts between different arrival and QA locations i.e. a shipment order line having demand code purchase receipt:

When using the automated invoicing function (self-billing), the supplier invoice is generated when the arrival is entered into the system where the ownership transfer point is set to Receipt into Arrival. The receipt reference that you have entered is used as the invoice number. The supplier invoice is based on the quantity received, i.e., the received quantity, and the purchase price is used to calculate the invoice amount. A separate invoice line is created for each receipt line having the same receipt reference. The invoice is automatically matched and ready to be paid. All automatically created invoices can be viewed in the Self-billing Invoice Analysis page. In this page you can study any error text.