Generate Request


Use this activity to generate a Request using Recurring Service Request Generation assistant. The process will run as a background job.

Calendar-based Recurring Service Request Generation

Recurring Service Requests will be generated for a chosen date range or a selected schedule horizon. Schedule horizon is the no of days in advance from the current date, for which the recurring service requests will be generated.

However, request generation can be limited based on one or a combination of the following parameters.

Usage/Condition-based Recurring Service Request Generation

Recurring Service Request generation will pick up program schedule occurrences with a Recorded Value (latest measurement/ reading recorded) that has reached/passed the line Trigger Value for usage triggers (accumulate parameters) and Recorded Value that has met the condition limit or falls outside/inside the given range for condition triggers (limit parameters), and in status Generable to generate Requests. Request generation can be limited based on one or a combination of the following parameters.

It is possible to run only one generation type at a time.

Note: Request generation can be set up to run as a schedule job, using the database task Recurring Service Request Generation. User can set the parameters for which the database task should trigger. If both FROM_DATE_, TO_DATE and SCHEDULE_HORIZON_ values set, then priority will be given to the schedule horizon when calendar generation is triggered.


System Effects

Note: Requests will be generated for Service Organizations where the logged in user is connected via the Service User Group.