Contract Quotation Send for Approval
This activity is used to send the Request Contract Quotation for Customer
approval. After Quotation send for approval it will disable the editing Quotation
header details or add new Contract lines to Quotation. Customer can accept or
reject the Quotation after send for approval.
- Request Contract Quotation should be in New status.
- At least one Contract line should be existed.
- Requirement to get approval from Customer to Activate the Request Contract.
System Effects
As a result of this activity,
- Request Contract details (Quotation totals, Invoicing info, Revaluation
details, Customer agreements and Recurring service programs) will be saved
(Snapshot) at the time you send for approval.
- Contract lines details (Invoicing info/Price rule, Benefit plan, Services,
Coverage and SLA) will be saved (Snapshot) at the time you send for approval.
- Quotation status will be change from New to
Sent for Approval.
- Quotation header details become non editable.