Initiate a Request via New Request Assistant

A Request can be initiated in Service Management via the New Request Assistant with the following starting options:

You can start Request Logging by first selecting either a Customer, Contact or Reported Item. In every Request, you can enter other required data (Service, Contract, Location, Service Organization) after entering one of above fields to start the Request initiation flow.

Request Logging – Start from Customer

As a result of entering the Customer first, it enables the Service, Contract and Location fields and filters the LOV values in Contact, Object and Contract fields according to the Customer. In Location LOV only the Customer party type addresses which are connected to the Customer will be available. Default customer contact will be auto-filled, along with Reported Item information if only one record is available.

Entering the Reported Item will filter the LOV values in Service and Contract fields. Warranty LOV is enabled and filtered according to the selected object. Location LOV will get Reported Item connected Location party type addresses also according to the Reported Item.

If you enter Service, it will filter the LOV values in Reported Item and Contract fields according to the Service. If you enter Contract next to the Customer, it will filter the LOV values in Reported Item and Service fields according to the Contract. If you enter a Contract line, a Reported Item must be selected in order to create the request.

If you enter Location, it will filter Reported Items based on the Location ID.

If you enter the Service, it will enable the Service Organization field and default Service Organization from Service will be auto-filled. The Contract LOV values also filter again according to the Service, Contract is auto-filled if only one record is available.

If you enter the Contract, the Service LOV values will filter again according to the Contract.

If both the Service and an Object are selected, the Warranty applied for the combination that has the closest expiration date will be autofilled. A contract and a warranty cannot be applied together.

Change or Delete action of Customer field will clear all values in other fields.

Request Logging – Start from Reported Item

As a result of entering the Reported Item first, it enables the Service, Contract and Location fields and filters the LOV values in Location, Service and Contract according to the Reported Item selected. Warranty LOV is enabled and filtered according to the selected object. The Location LOV will show only Reported Item connected Location party type addresses until you select the Customer. Default Customer and Location will be auto-filled to the relevant fields if one record is available. Selection of Contact will not affect the filtering process.

If you enter the Service, it will enable the Service Organization field and default Service Organization from Service will be auto-filled.

Contract LOV values also filter again according to the Service. The Contract is auto-filled if only one record is available.

The Warranty applied for the combination that has the closest expiration date will be autofilled. A contract and a warranty cannot be applied together

Contract LOV values also filter again according to the Service. The Contract is auto-filled if only one record is available.

If you enter the Contract, Service LOV values will filter again according to the Contract.

Request Logging – Start from Contact

As a result of entering the Contact, only the Customer field LOV values will be filtered.

Enter Customer next to the Contact will continue the filtering process same as the Request Logging – Start from Customer.

Enter Reported Item next to the Contact will continue the filtering process same as the Request Logging – Start from Object.