Add/ Modify Work Task Dependencies


This activity is used to define dependencies between Work Tasks within a particular Request Scope.

Dependency Types

Finish To Start

Finish To Start dependency type can be used when there is a task that must be started/completed before another task can commence.
Consider two tasks configured as follows:
task_id1 = Work Task A
task_id2 = Work Task B
If Work Task A must be done before Work Task B, Then Work Task A will be set as a "Finish To Start" for Work Task B.

Start To Start

Start To Start dependency type can be used when there are two tasks that must be scheduled at the same time. A typical example would be a two-person job, which would be defined as two Start To Start tasks, so that it may appear on each resource’s timeline at the same time.
Consider two tasks configured as follows:
task_id1 = Work Task A
task_id2 = Work Task B
If Work Task A must be started at the same time of Work Task B, Then Work Task A will be set as a "Start To Start" for Work Task B.


Combined tasks are similar to Start To Start tasks, except that they may also be scheduled, one after the other, to a single resource. So they are like a piece of work that could be done by one person, but it would be done in half the time if two people did it.
Consider two tasks configured as follows:
task_id1 = Work Task A
task_id2 = Work Task B
If the above are scheduled back-to-back then the ordering may be either A-B or B-A. Then Work Task A will be set as a "Combined" for Work Task B.


It is possible to specify that two tasks must be done together, one immediately after the other, if they are scheduled. This is useful if there is a sensible order in which to do a number of tasks that are at the same location e.g. in a block of flats. This can also be used to define a suggested order between the tasks. If task A should be done immediately before task B, the data should be set as follows:
task_id1 = Work Task A
task_id2 = Work Task B
To specify that the tasks should be done one after the other in either direction, set we can use ORDER_TWO_WAY.


More than one Work Tasks must have been defined for the Request scope.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, Work Tasks will be connected to each other in a Predecessor - Successor (Parent - Child) relationship that can be used during scheduling.