Create Request from Service Object 360


Use this activity to create a Request for a service related to an object which is in service object 360 page.

When a customer has a need for a service, you can create a Request from service object 360 page to allow the service provider organization to start working on to fulfill the customer requirement. Same New Request assistant will be open with the Object you selected in service object 360 page. Same new request initiating process can be followed.

When creating a Request, you can change the Customer with another which has already defined as a party type for the object.

You can then select a pre-defined Service that will fulfill the customer requirement and further select the Service Organization that will provide the required Service. You can also specify the Location where the Service is required as well as enter some information relating to how the Request should be classified in terms of its Priority, Severity, and Importance.

Media items such as text files or images can also be attached to the Request during the request creation process.


System Effects