Release Work Task/s
This activity is used to release work tasks. Once after all preparation is
done, the work task/s can be released, then the task is ready for execution.
- Sites, Maintenance organizations, must have been defined and connected
to each other.
- Standard Tasks must have been defined
- If Shipment Order and delivery Pick Up should be used for material
lines, default values must have been defined in the
Site/Maintenance page.
System Effects
- As a result of this activity, the status of the work task is changed to Released
- If material lines with supply code purchase order exist where
Delivery Method is Normal, then releasing the
work task will result in creating a pegged purchase requisition.
- If material lines with supply code purchase order exist where
Delivery Method is To Service Location, then releasing the
work task will result in creating a pegged purchase order. If the work
task service site does not have a remote warehouse with address type Geolocation, then releasing the work task will result in automatic
remote warehouse to be created.
- If material lines with supply code Purchase Order and delivery Pick
Up exist, then a Purchase Requisition will be created per Supplier and Pickup
Task id. The Pickup Task is set as a predecessor of the Work Task. The
main Work Task is dependent on the Pickup Task.
- If material lines with supply code Shipment Order and delivery To
Service Location exist, then
releasing the work task will result in creating a pegged shipment order.
However, if the work task service site does not have a remote warehouse
with address type Geolocation, release of work task and creation of
automatic remote warehouse will be restricted if the ship via and
delivery terms are not set in Company/Address/Supply Chain
Information/ Internal Inventory Movement Parameter, as
ship via and delivery terms are mandatory fields when creating a
shipment order.
- If material lines with supply code Shipment Order and delivery Pick
Up exist, then a shipment order will be created per part site and pickup
task id. The Pickup Task is set as a predecessor of the Work Task. The
main Work Task is dependent on the Pickup Task. Initially the receiver will be set to same as sender (part
site) and will later be changed to a remote warehouse related to the
pickup task assignment.