About Miscellaneous Resource Allocations

Miscellaneous Resource Allocations (misc. allocations) can be created for individual resources (persons, tool/equipment, machines and crews) to reflect planned absences and non-available time. Misc. Resource Allocation Categories can be of type Absence and Non-Absence and are mandatory when creating a misc. resource allocation. It is possible to define a location for the misc. allocation. Locations are created in the Location page. These Locations are directly used in the Dynamic Scheduling engine and Dispatch Console to optimize scheduling capabilities.

Misc. allocations can be viewed as a demand on the resource in Resource Analysis page. A misc. allocation in status Pending Approval will have demand status Preliminary, while status Approved will have demand status Committed. It is noteworthy that while a resource shift deducts time for breaks to reflect the actual working time, misc. allocations that stretches over a full day (e.g. 08:00 - 17:00) and that are not created in such a way that breaks are deducted, may end up as allocated more than 100% of the resources' capacity.

Misc. allocations are created within the Resource Management solution and have no integration or dependency to the Human Capital Management (HCM) solution. Absences and non-available time created as misc. allocations will therefore not be reflected in HCM and are displayed as a separate demand type in the Resource Analysis page. Misc. allocations can be created independent of company or site connections.

Miscellaneous Resource Allocation Statuses

Create, View and Manage Miscellaneous Resource Allocations

Operations related to Misc. Resource Allocations can be performed in following places:

Miscellaneous Resource Allocations page: Anyone with access to this page can view, create, edit, approve or remove approval of misc. allocations for all resources.

My Miscellaneous Resource Allocations page: This page allows the logged-in user to view, create, edit, and delete misc. allocations against the resource connected to the logged in user. It is not possible to approve or cancel misc. allocations in this page.

New Miscellaneous Resource Allocations assistant can be accessed using the IFS Cloud Navigator, or as a command in Miscellaneous Resource Allocations page. This assistant can be used to create a common misc. allocation for a single or a selected set of resources and with the option of approving the allocations within the assistant.

Create Miscellaneous Resource Allocations assistant can be accessed using one of the following pages: Resource Shift Gantt, My Resource Shift Gantt, Resource Shift Calendar and My Resource Shift Calendar. The command Add Misc. Resource Allocation is placed in the resource shift Information card, or as a command on the page that appears after selecting a particular shift. This assistant allows creating misc. allocations against the selected resource and defaults the Allocation Start and Allocation End times to Shift Start and Shift End times, which can be updated if required.
The % allocated field on the information card connected to the resource shift will be updated by the misc. allocation.