Define Resource Shift Freeze Period


This activity is used to define a freeze period for resource shifts. Resource shifts that are changed on dates within the shift freeze period are logged, and additionally, changes to shifts are not allowed to be made in the My Resource Shift Gantt and My Resource Shift Calendar during this period. By defining a resource shift freeze period, it is possible for resource planners to gain visibility of changes to shifts that impact the resource availability and, with this information, be able to adjust capacity or re-plan work if required.

The Shift Freeze Period is defined in Resource Basic Data. A freeze offset value in days is entered where 0 days is no shift freeze period, and 1 is equivalent to one day (today). It is not possible to enter a negative offset.

 The change log can be viewed in the Resource Shift Change Log as well as in the Resource Availability page.



System Effects

Resource shift change logs are created when shifts are changed (added, edited, deleted) within the defined shift freeze period. Changes to shifts are not allowed in the My Resource Shift Gantt and My Resource Shift Calendar.