Enter Resource Shifts


Perform this activity to enter new resource shifts manually. This is usually done when shifts need to be added to the already existing shift plan. Entering new resource shifts can be performed in the Resource Availability page or by using the Add Shift dialog in the Resource Shifts Gantt page, My Resource Shifts Gantt page or Resource Shift Calendar page, My Resource Shift Calendar page.

The Account Date field determines where the resource availability belongs and is mandatory for a shift. It is usually the same date as the shift start date, but it is possible to select another date within the shift start and shift end date. This can apply to overnight shifts, for an example. When the record is saved, it is not possible to update the account date. For overnight shifts the account date can be defined by selecting the account date source: Shift Start or Shift End.

It is also possible to add resource attributes to the shift. These could be useful to define different properties or requirements on the shift.

Using Resource Shift Type

In the Add Shift dialog, it is possible to use a resource shift type as a template for the new shift. Properties on the resource shift type, such as resource attributes or flags to indicate if it is an overnight shift or an On Call shift will be added to the shift when created. The start and end times of the shift and break are possible to update even if a resource shift type is used.

Shift Deviations

Adding new shifts, on call shifts, or breaks updates the corresponding resource capacity and creates shift deviations of Deviation Type New. Shift deviations ensure that the deviation from the resource's schedule persists even when regenerated. If the shift deviation record is removed, the corresponding capacity is updated.

Note: If a Shift Freeze Period has been defined in Resource Basic Data, it is not allowed to enter new shifts from My Resource Shift Gantt and My Resource Shift Calendar pages during this period.


If a resource shift type is used, it must exist.

System Effects

This activity creates new resource shift records, shift deviations, and updates the corresponding capacity records.

If a Shift Freeze Period has been defined in Resource Basic Data, a change log is created if the shifts and/or break is added within the shift freeze period. A shift change log is always created (even outside the freeze period) if the added shift belongs to the logged-in user's resource. The change log can be viewed in the Resource Shift Change Log page.