Monitor Resource Requirements Fulfillment


This activity is used to monitor that resources fulfill the requirements defined on the connected resource group.

Requirement fulfillment will ensure consistency between the resources in the resource group and give resource planners and dispatchers confidence that the resources have the valid competencies, certificates, licenses or other characteristics that may be required when planning and allocating resources for different jobs. A resource connected to multiple resource groups may fulfill the requirements of one resource group but not the other. As requirements are checked for a specific period, they may also be periodically or partially fulfilled.

The fulfillment of requirements can be monitored by reviewing the requirement fulfillment status for each resource of a particular resource group. It is also possible to check the fulfillment of a specific requirement on the resource group.

The requirements fulfillment statuses for the defined time period are as follows:

Refer to About Resource Requirements documentation for more information.


Resource requirements must have been defined on the resource group for which the requirements are evaluated.

The default period for which requirements are checked can be defined as offset parameters in the Resource Analysis Demand Snapshot field Resource Basic Data page.

System Effects

Monitoring resource requirements fulfillment allows resource managers and planners to act on any discrepancies that may exist so that resource groups can be planned and resource individuals allocated to work with confidence.