Add Family Level Characteristic Prices


Use this activity to set up configuration characteristics and option prices at configuration family level in Sales Price List page. In Configuration Base Price tab, it is possible to add configuration characteristics including a configuration family and option prices also can be added for the characteristics.

This setup will be only valid for the configurable parts which are added in the Sales Price List and which belngs to the configurable families added while setting up the configuration characteristics in Configuration Base Price tab.

If the Use Price Incl Tax option is enabled in Sales Price List/General section, it is possible to enter values in the Amount Offset Incl Tax field and the amount offset value is calculated using the tax code used for the part-based price list line.

It is possible to connect a Configuration Characteristic Sales Price Combination table or a Configuration Characteristic Sales Price Formula for the configuration characteristic. But only one type (price combination table or price formula) can be connected to the characteristic at a time.

Price combination tables and price formulas can be added as an AddOn value or a Replace value. If AddOn, then return value form the price combination table or price formula will be added to the offset values. If Replace, then offset values will be replaced by the return value of the price combination tables or the price formulas.

When the configuration is evaluated, initially the characteristic and option prices set up in Configuration Base Price tab is considered. If the characteristic prices are not added, then the characteristic prices added in Configuration Price List is considered (In the hierarchy, the Configuration Base Price tab of the Sales Price List is higher than the Configuration Price List).


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the configuration characteristic prices and option prices are added in Configuration Base Price tab of the Sales Price List.