Enter scanned order lines data


After scanning the document Step 2 of the Scan Customer Order assistant is opened. In this step you can verify the scanned and interpretated data and edit it if data is not complete or accurate. Line data can be edited by activating the edit mode.

Sales Part No: The identity number of the sales part the customer desires to purchase. Displays the Sales Part Number from IFS if the Sales Part could be identified. Can be edited manually and is a mandatory field.

Sales Part Description: The name or description corresponding to the sales part number. Displays the Sales Part Description from IFS if the Sales Part could be identified. Can be edited manually.

Sales Qty: Quantity of the sales part, expressed in the sales unit of measure. If the scanned part can be found in the Sales Part Cross Reference then the scanned quantity is interpreted as Customer Sales Qty and according to the Sales Part Cross Reference setup the quantity is converted into Sales Qty. If there is no Sales Part Cross Reference and the scanned part can be identified as it has the same Part No or Part Description as the IFS Sales Part, or of the Sales Part can not be interpreted, then the scanned quantity is directly interpreted as Sales Qty and Customers Sales Qty.

Sales UoM: Sales Unit of Measure which is set up at the identified Sales Part.

Wanted Delivery Date/Time: The date on which the customer wants the order line to be delivered (Order line level returned from scan engine, or if NULL inherited from header level). It can be a non-working day. Can be edited manually. The default value for time is retrieved from Customer/Address/Sales Address Information.

Customer Part No: Here the Customer Part Number from Sales Part Cross Reference is displayed. Remains NULL if Sales Part from scan engine can not be interpreted.

Customer Part Description: Here the Customer Part Description from Sales Part Cross Reference is displayed. Remains NULL if Sales Part from scan engine can not be interpreted.

Customer’s UoM: Here the Customer’s Unit of Measure from Sales Part Cross Reference is displayed. If Sales Part from scan engine can not be interpreted, then the scanned UoM is shown here as it returned from the scan engine.

Customer Sales Qty: Displays the Sales Qty in Customer’s UoM. If the scanned part can be found in the Sales Part Cross Reference then the scanned quantity is interpreted as Customer Sales Qty and according to the Sales Part Cross Reference setup the quantity is converted into Sales Qty. If there is no Sales Part Cross Reference and the scanned part can be identified as it has the same Part No or Part Description as the IFS Sales Part, or of the Sales Part can not be interpreted, then the scanned quantity is directly interpreted as Sales Qty and Customers Sales Qty.

Scanned Part No: Displays the Part Number that was returned from the scan engine. This is a good indication whether the right part then was finally selected for the order line. Not editable.

Scanned Part Description: Displays the Part Description that was returned from the scan engine. This is a good indication whether the right part then was finally selected for the order line. Not editable.


Before editing lines please make sure that the right customer is selected in the header.

System Effects

The more lines were scanned and interpreted correctly or could be corrected easily in the assistant, the less additional steps are required later in the created customer order.