Enter Customer Order Priority Rule


By using the Operation "Determine Order Priority" a priority can be calculated for a Customer Order based on different parameters. These parameters are stored in a Customer Order Priority Rule. For each parameter priorities can be defined depending on their values.

A Customer Order Priority Rule can be Active or Inactive. It may be valid for all Customers or specified Customers as well as for all Sites or specified Sites. Changes in a Rule are allowed in Inactive status only.
--> In particular, it is possible to activate a Rule for one Customer and one Site and to activate another Rule, e.g. for the same Customer but all Sites. In total, there can be four active Rules that could apply to a Customer Order (exact Customer - exact Site, exact Customer - all Sites, all Customers - exact Site, all Customers - all Sites). When calculating the priority, the Rules are then searched for in exactly this order, from most specific to most general.

When editing a rule, observe the following notes:

Rule Header

Status: Rule status can be Active or Inactive. Only Active Rules are considered for Customer Order priority determination. When activating a rule, several verifications ensure that there is at least one parameter, one customer and one site and that no other active rule exists for at least one customer-site-combination of this rule.

Rule Id: Define a unique Rule Id, 10 digits.

Description: Description of the Customer Order Priority Rule. May e.g. contain a specific customer or site, the information that it is valid for all customers or sites, or the setting of a specific parameter.

Currency: The rule parameter “Min Order Amount” refers to this currency. If the currency of a customer order is different, its order value will be converted into the currency of the rule for that purpose.


Parameter Name: Seven parameters are available for rule configuration: Country Code, Customer Agreement Fetched, Customer Priority, Customer Statistics Group, District Code, Market Code and Min Order Amount. Open the sub-table for each parameter (except of Customer Agreement Fetched) to specify its priority depending on specific values.

Parameter Status:
Distinct: This parameter is considered before the Proportional parameters. You need to set a unique “Order By” order of Distinct parameters in which they are processed. Once a priority was found in a Distinct parameter, the determination terminates.
Proportional: If no priority could be found in the Distinct parameters, it will be continued with the Proportional parameters. All priorities found in matching Proportional parameters are considered according to their proportions. Higher Proportion = Higher influence of this parameter’s priority.
Inactive: This parameter is not considered in priority determination. This is the initial value for new Customer Order Priority Rules.

Priority Proportion: Enter a numeric value to specify with which weight this parameter is considered in Customer Order priority determination among all Proportional parameters.

Order By: Enter a numeric value to specify the order in which the Distinct parameters shall be considered.


Valid For All Customers: If this toggle is TRUE then no customers can be specified as the rule is valid for all customers. If it is FALSE then at least one customer needs to be specified before the rule can be activated.

Customer: Select one or several customers for which this rule shall be valid.


Valid For All Sites: If this toggle is TRUE then no site can be specified as the rule is valid for all sites. If it is FALSE then at least one site needs to be specified before the rule can be activated.

Site: Select one or several sites for which this rule shall be valid.

Company: Shows the company that the selected site belongs to.


All data that shall be used in the rule needs to be created prior to create the rule:

System Effects

Customer Order Operation "Determine Order Priority" identifies the most specific and active Rule matching to Customer and Site of this Customer Order. Within this Rule the priority is then calculated based on its parameters and the resulting priority then replaces the current Customer Order's priority.