Activate Rebate Agreement
This activity is used to activate a rebate agreement.
This activity has the following prerequisites.
- The rebate agreement must contain at least one
deal-per-sales-part line, deal-per-rebate group line or a
deal-per-assortment line.
- The rebate agreement must contain at least one
rebate receiver.
System Effects
This activity has the following system effects.
- Each time a customer invoice is posted for the same customer and
company, rebate transactions will be created based on
all active agreements or highest priority active agreements as per the
setting on Customer/Sales/Sales tab Multiple Rebate Criteria (
Multiple Agreements will use all active agreements while Agreement
Priority will use highest priority active agreement).
- The company, rebate agreement valid-from date,
periodic settlement period, final settlement period, the hierarchy and the
level in the rebate agreement cannot be modified.