Edit Order Line Commissions


When you enter a customer order line, the system will generate one or more order commission lines matching the previously set criteria. The system will only create the lines, however. To review the commission percentage or commission amount, you must actively initiate the calculation of the commission line. You can change any commission line considerably, such as commission percentage or amount and other features. If required, you can also add or remove commission lines.

The commission calculation should be based on customer order or customer invoice information. If you have selected Order Entry, the commission will be included in the commission report as soon as the order has been entered as it is calculated immediately. If you have selected Invoiced, on the other hand, the commission will not be included in the commission report until the order line is invoiced.

Fixed order commission lines will neither be calculated nor considered in the recalculation process.

You can revoke a commission from an order if that order was placed by mistake, no matter if the commission period is closed and fully calculated or not. If the commission period is still open, you can simply delete the commission line and recalculate.

For order-based commissions, one way to revoke the commission is to add a fixed commission line with a negative amount. If the commission period is closed, the amount is reported with a negative amount in the following period. Also, when an order line is canceled, the connected commissions will be revoked automatically. The commission will then be withdrawn from the commission amount, and if the commission period is closed, a negative commission amount will be created for the next period.

For invoice-based commissions, you can use the RMA functionality and return the parts into stock and create a credit note. The commission will be withdrawn from the commission amount, and if the commission period is closed, a negative commission amount will be created for the next period. As an alternative, you can just create a credit invoice. The effect is the same as when using RMA.


System Effects