Print Retrospective Invoice


Especially in the automotive industry, it’s common to have an agreed price, based upon the number of items that you expect to buy during any period, e.g., the year. If you buy more or less, the price might be renegotiated, and a retrospective invoice must be created for all the items that have already been delivered.

It is possible to print a report from Customer Agreement that lists quantities, price differences, and amounts for sales parts. The quantity on the invoice report is the sum of the delivered and invoiced quantity of that part in the period the agreement is valid for. Only order lines in status invoiced/closed with invoices in status printed or posted/authorized will be included in the report. Parts that are returned and credited will not be considered. Price difference is the difference between the new price and the old price. The amount on the report is the amount to credit or debit the customer (quantity delivered and invoiced*price difference).

This report will reflect the price changes and quantity delivered and invoiced for each price. You can view the changes using the Agreement Sales Part Deal History command on the Agreement Sales Part Deals page.


A customer agreement must have been entered and saved.

System Effects

A retrospective invoice report is printed.