Unlock Serial


This activity is used to unlock a top serial and its belonging structure. When a serial belonging to a structure is locked it is not possible to carry out any operations on the serial, except for the completion of running tasks. Information on the serial can be viewed even if the serial is locked.

When a serial is locked, the Locked for Update option will be selected for the given serial in the Manage Serial Structure page and the Serial Information page.

To unlock a serial, select the Unlock option from the Manage Serial Structure, Serials or Vehicles page. In the table of the Unlock Serial dialog, all serials in the structure that have obsolete maintenance programs connected will be displayed, along with serials that do not have maintenance programs defined when the serial was locked. By selecting the Set Program option it is possible to automatically connect the new valid active maintenance program revision to all serials in the structure with obsolete maintenance programs connected. Once the valid maintenance programs are defined for all serials displayed in the table it will be possible to close the dialog. This will update the serials in the structure with the selected active maintenance programs and the serial and it's structure will also be unlocked.


System Effects