Connect source lines


This activity is used to connect source lines to  shipments. Source lines are connected to the shipments by clicking Connect to Shipment on the Shipment/Available Source Lines tab or in the Source Lines Available for Shipments page. On the Shipment/Available Source Lines tab, you can view the available source lines that have the same receiver, receiver address, sender, sender address, ship-via, delivery terms and shipment type as the current shipment header. Then you can connect the available source lines to that specific shipment. In the Source Lines Available for Shipments page, you can view all available source lines regardless of receiver, delivery address, ship-via, delivery terms etc, and then you can connect these available source lines to shipments. In the first place each line is connected to an existing appropriate shipment (e.g., where the shipment status, receiver, receiver address, sender, sender address, ship-via is correct), otherwise a new shipment is created and the line is connected to that shipment. The quantity of a source line can be connected to several shipments in parallel.This can be used to handle a limited transport capacity, a backorder situation where you want to prepare the next delivery in advance, a customer requiring a certain delivery schedule etc.

Optionally you can define consolidation rules in the shipment type to be used when source lines are connected automatically to shipments. The following consolidation parameters are available: source ref 1, planned ship date, planned delivery date, route, forwarder, reference ID, dock code, sub dock code and to location. So for instance by adding planned ship date and route as consolidation parameters, only source lines with the same planned ship date and route will be consolidated automatically into the same shipment. The consolidation rules are not considered when you manually connect a source line to a specific shipment on the Shipment/Available source Lines tab. Once this is done, above parameters in the source lines are overridden by the shipment header values.

For customer orders, the lines are available for shipment connection when they are in the in the Released, Reserved, Picked or Partially Delivered status and have a remaining quantity that is still to be delivered.

Once you have connected the required source lines to shipments, they will be available as a shipment line on the shipments. From this point you can perform all the necessary shipment activities.

Note: Alternatively, for customer orders, shipment orders and purchase receipt returns you can also automatically connect order lines to an existing or new shipment when an order is released or when the pick list is created. However, this is only possible if the order line has the Shipment Creation option set to At Order Release or At Pick List Creation which is defaulted from the shipment type of the order line. Any consolidation rules defined in the shipment type is considered when order lines are connected automatically to shipments. When automatically connecting to an existing shipment, automatic connection of more order lines cannot be blocked for this shipment.


To connect to an existing shipment:

To connect to a new shipment:

For Customer Order Lines:

System Effects