Deliver Shipment


This activity is used to deliver the shipment. When the shipment is delivered, connected source lines acquire the Delivered status. The status can vary depending on the source type.

You can perform a delivery on the shipment or on the consolidated shipment. A consolidated shipment is defined as one departure of several shipments from the specified site, to all the delivery addresses of the connected shipments. This implies that a shipment connected to a consolidated shipment can only be delivered from the consolidated shipment. This activity is only possible if picking is reported and the shipment is already in the Complete status for all shipments you intend to deliver. For a shipment, if you no longer want to deliver the entire quantity picked, it is possible to adjust the picked quantity before delivery in four different ways: removal of shipment lines, reassignment of shipment line quantities, reassignment of handling units, or adjustments in the shipment inventory. This means that the content of the shipment is changed and the handling unit structure and the documents must be reviewed again before delivery.

Note that delivery of a shipment can be done automatically in the shipment flow if the shipment type allows this.

In addition, if the shipment type is configured to handle automatic receipt of Shipment Order, then after Delivery a dispatch advice will be sent and the incoming dispatch advice will be received automatically. This is especially useful when parts in a shipment should be picked up at sender and delivery and receipt should be executed in one step.


System Effects