Pack according to Packing Proposal


Packing proposal is a way of minimizing the number of handling units needed to pack a shipment. Rules for what handling unit types to use and how the reservations should be attached to them are set up in the basic data for Packing Proposal. Packing Proposal ID is then connected to a shipment type but it is possible to change it for the shipment itself.

Pack according to Packing Proposal can be run for one or more shipments depending on where you start it from. If pick lists have been created then it optimizes the packing per pick list, otherwise for the full shipment. All reservations that have not been picked or not already connected to a shipment handling unit are then grouped and split between handling units in order to maximize the utilization.

It is possible to exclude parts in two ways:

If you want the packing proposal to be run automatically you can add it as an optional event on the shipment type. It is available for shipment events RESERVE, CREATE PICK LIST and PRINT PICK LIST.

The Shipment Handling Unit Structure can later be changed manually before picking, if needed.


System Effects

Shipment line reservations will be attached to shipment handling units. The rules of the Packing Proposal have decided the optimal way to utilize handling units and divided the reservations between them.