Order - Unused Cash Discounts in Supplier Payments


Use this activity to view or print the Unused Cash Discounts in Supplier Payments report. This report displays lost discounts in the selected date intervall. All payments which fulfill the selection criteria are included in the report if the used discount percentage is less than the maximum possible discount percentage of the installment. Discount dates are not considered in this report, i.e. even if the payment date is later than the discount date, discount is considered as possible if the paid installment has a discount percentage If an installment has several discount percnetages (for different discount dates), the higest discount percentage is used to calculate the maximum possible discount.

This activity can be performed by accessing Unused Cash Discounts in Supplier Payments page from the navigator.

Alternatively, this can be accessed through list of reports in Order Report as well.


This activity requires that supplier payments exist for which less discount was deducted than allowed by the discount percentage.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the report is either printed or displayed on the screen.