Register Job Hours and Time Card Information


This activity is used to register the job hours an employee has worked. Job hours include time spent on work tasks in IFS/Maintenance, IFS/Service, shop order operations and indirect jobs in IFS/Manufacturing as well as projects in IFS/Project Reporting. You can also enter separate notes related to attendance and project transactions.

You can register time for each of these jobs using IFS/Time Management. When employee reports job hours, whether or not attendance hours should also be generated simultaneously depends on the time registration time base linked to the employee; 

If time registration time base is Job Hour Controlled Wage Hours, the reported job hours will also generate attendance hours. That is, the normal hours scheduled for the day based on the employee's work schedule will be filled using the job hours. If the time base is Automatic Insert of Normal Hours, the scheduled normal hours will be generated for all passed dates in the same week. In addition, you can manually report other types of attendance such as overtime and extra time. If the time base is Clocking Controlled Wage Hours, attendance cannot be reported using the Time Registration page.


In order to perform this activity;

Note: The Project option will be available only if the employee is contractor (an employee connected to an employee category with Contractor and Connected to Purchase Order toggle enabled.) and the PRCENABLE attribute of the reporting company is set to YES.

System Effects