Create Repair Work Order


Use this activity to create a repair work order for a serial object or serial/ non-serial parts that is to be repaired. 

When creating repair work order for a part the user has the option to select an action type depending on the requirement.

Available action types are :

Replace Part                                   : A replacement part can be placed in place of the broken part to continue the operation without disruption.
Replace Part until repair is done    : A replacement part can be placed temporarily in the place of the broken part until it is repaired.
Repair and Place in facility             : This option can be selected if the broken part need to be repaired and placed in a equipment structure.
Sent to Inventory after Repair        : This option can be selected if the broken part need to be repaired and sent to inventory.



Before a repair work order is created, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a work order with the Work Request status is created. Work tasks will be created depending on the current position and repair action of the object/part.
In Active Work Orders the Repair Work Order option is selected for the work order.