Disconnect Work Order from Project Activity


This activity is used to disconnect a work order or a work order structure from a project activity. A work order can only be disconnected if the work tasks on the work order does not have any cost lines or invoicable sales lines.

To diconnect the project activity, in Prepare Work Order page or Active Work Orders page search for the relevant work order and click Project Connection and then click Disconnect from Activity. If the selected work order is connected to a structure, an information message appears. Click Yes if you also want to disconnect all work orders below the selected work order in the structure from the project activity. If the user click Cancel , it will only diconnect the project activity from the selected work order.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the work order will be disconnected from the project activity, and it will not appear as a connection on the Project Monitoring > Activity Monitoring - Project Connections page.