Modify Appointment Parameters


This activity is used to modify appointment parameters fetched into the appointment booking dialog from the default values of the work task. This step is optional, but it enables the user to generate the appointment request, by manually select some different appointment parameters, like: slot id, start/period end dates, appointment mode and slot availability state. 

The parameters that can be modified are slot Id, appointment period dates, appointment mode and slot availability. The modifications can be done only when the status of the Appointment Request is Preliminary or SlotsGenerated.

Note : This activity is the first step (if modifying appointment parameters) in appointment booking functionality and triggers, either when booking a new appointment or a rebook an existing appointment.

For more information refer to the activities, Request Appointment Offers, Decline Appointment Offers and Accept Appointment.


Scheduling integration must have been started by activating datasets and scheduling tasks.

An equipment object must have been added on the work task.

A resource demand must have been added on the work task.

A map position must exist for the work task and possible to reach for the resources.

System Effects

The appointment slots get regenerated as per the new settings.