Report Time


Time Reports is used to follow up how many hours have been spent on a Work Task. When reporting time for a resource it creates a reported time report and cost line. Cost can be fetched from Employee Compensation, Resource Group or Maintenance Organization.

Time reporting could be done for a resource, employee or secondment employee of another company.

Note: If IFS/Human Resource is installed and if the EDITWOTIME property code is defined for your company and has the property value YES, it will be possible to continue reporting or modifying time when the day for the employee is confirmed, authorized or transferred. If the property value is set to No, then it will not be possible to update the time for the employee once the day is confirmed, authorized or transferred. (This is valid for time reported for a resource type Person)

In B2B portal this activity is used to report the executor's time spent on the work assignment. Most of the B2B subcontracting cases, executor time is reported but with a zero cost. These time transactions are mostly used for job owner's information purposes.


For B2B Reporting

System Effects

As a result of this activity, Time transaction are created against the respective work task.