Request Appointment Offers


This activity is used to request appointments from the Appointment Booking Engine. Appointments slots can be requested in the Appointment Booking page. Once the appointment parameters are set, the user can send a request to propose the available time slots. The waiting time while receiving the offers can be set by the system parameter REQUEST_TIMEOUT.  

 Auto request can be toggled on in Appointment Availability page. It enables appointment slots to be automatically generated each time Appointment Booking page is opened.


Scheduling integration must have been started by activating datasets and scheduling tasks.

An equipment object must have been added on the work task.

A resource demand must have been added on the work task.

A map position must exist for the work task and possible to reach for the resources.

System Effects

A request is sent to the Appointment Booking Engine, while changing the status of the Appointment Booking page to RequestSent. Once the request is processed, a set of results is received and get populated in the slot table/calendar, while changing the status to OfferReceived.