Work Order History

A work order is considered historical as soon as the status is set to "Finished" or "Cancelled." This is done when the work on the work order is completed and reported. Before the status is set to "Finished," the date the action was completed must first be entered, and all the postings must be authorized.

If you have transactions that should not be invoiced on a work order which has a customer ID defined (service order), you will need to change the status on these lines to Not Invoiceable, or invoice the work order's posting lines. This can be done in the Transfer to Customer Order window.  

If you have created a purchase requisition, but for some reason is not converted into a purchase order, you cannot set the historical work order to "Finished." In this case, you have to return to the work order and delete the requisition manually. If for some reason you stop working on a work order, you have the possibility to choose the "Cancelled" status. The difference between these two status is that in the first case, the work order is really finished. Use the second case to keep the interrupted report of the fault or the service, however do not take any further action. 

All information connected to the historical work order is stored for future analysis. This causes the work order history to function as a large information bank where information can be retrieved on a certain work order.

If you have used metering invoicing, the selected measuring values that were used on the work orders will also be registered in the historical work order. You can view the stored historical information, however you cannot change anything. The information on a historical work order can only be changed or reused when using the Reopen operation. The objective of the reopen functionality is exemplified in the following:  If for example you have forgotten to register transactions such as time, material, or external costs, it is always possible to add this to a historical work order. It is also possible to re-use the information in a historical work order. Do this by copying the planning information to a new work order. This is useful when you want to reduce the administration. After saving the modified information, the status of the work order must be adjusted to "Finished."

To reopen a historical work order, click Reopen in the appropriate page(s). When you have reopened the work order you will be able to find it when you query for active work orders. A reopened, work order will receive the status Work Done, and you can even reverse the status to Started and then Released, if desired (the reversibility will depend on the work task connected and it's state).  

The work order history is used in IFS/Maintenance, and IFS Cloud for Service Management.