Resource Reallocation


Reallocation is, assigning a work assignment from one resource to another resource or modifying the work assignment's allocation dates, maintaining the same resource. Resource reallocation can be performed manually on Work Task/Assign Work from Work Task or Prepare Work Order pages. Reallocation can also be performed from Allocate Resources and Resource Monitoring Gantt. If the IFS/Maintenance Planning Board or the IFS/Dynamic Scheduling Engine is used, then automatic reallocation can be done.

Reallocation Concepts

Reallocation Concept of a single work assignment

There are common rules set when reallocating a resource.

Reallocation is not allowed if the work assignment is at the status Canceled, Incompleted or Completed.
Reallocation is allowed if the work assignment status is Assigned, Accepted, OnRoute, Waiting at Location, Work started and Pending Completion.

Reallocate to the Same Resource

Work assignments dates are updated with the new allocation dates.

Reallocate to a Another Resource

If the IFS/Mobile is used, and the work assignment has been sent to a mobile device then:

If the work assignment has not been sent to mobile then:

Modify Allocated Hours of Single Work Assignment

Allocated hours can be modified manually in Assign Work dialog or using Resize function in Resource Allocation Gantt or Resource Monitoring Gantt. It modifies the allocated hours of the work assignment without changing the resource activity duration. This helps to adjust the allocated hours of the work assignment to a different value than the work task duration. It automatically adjust the dates based on selected options i.e. Allow multiple visit or Adjust to Schedule. This indicates that the allocated resource will consume more or lesser time than the standard time duration mentioned in the work task.

Reallocation Concept of a Visit Chain

Visit chain can be manually reallocated in Resource Allocation Gantt as well as in  Resource Monitoring Gantt. Reallocation can be automatically done in IFS/Maintenance Planning Board or IFS/Dynamic Scheduling Engine.

There are common rules set when reallocate a visit chain.

Visit chain reallocation is not allowed if the last visit of the visit chain is Incompleted or  Completed.
Visit chain reallocation is allowed if the last visit of the visit chain is with statuses Assigned, Accepted, OnRoute, Waiting at Location, Work started and Pending Completion.

Further, if one or more visits are Completed, then the visit chain can not be reallocated to a different resource. In that scenario, the none completed time of the activity can be reallocated to the same resource to a different time period.
If none of the visits in the visit chain is Completed, it is possible to reallocate the assignment to a different resource.

Reallocate Visit Chain to the Same Resource

When reallocating to the same resource, the visit chain is updated based on the changes done and the working schedule of the resource. Then the  related work assignments are updated accordingly with modified duration and allocated start and finish date period. If new visits are received due to the change, then the new work assignments will be created with the status Assigned. If any visits are removed during the change, then the relevant work assignments will be removed according to Concept of Removing Existing Work Assignments in a Visit Chain.
If IFS/Maintenance Planning Board is used, then reallocation will always create a new work assignment with the status Assigned and existing visits are removed as in above.

Reallocate Visit Chain to a Another Resource

When reallocating to a different resource, the existing visit chain will be removed according to the Concept of Removing Existing Work Assignments in a Visit Chain and new work assignment is created with the status Assigned.

Modify Allocated Hours of Visit in a Visit Chain

Allocated hours of a visit can be modified manually in Assign Work dialog or using Resize function in Resource Allocation Gantt or Resource Monitoring Gantt.  It modifies the allocated hours of the work assignment without changing the resource activity duration. This helps to allocate the visit during none working time period of the resource. Modification does not allow to create overlapped visits in the visit chain. When the modification is done, there is a deviation between total allocated durations and resource activity duration of the visit chain. As a result it is indicated as 'Need Readjustment' visit in the Resource Monitoring Gantt.

Concept of Removing Existing Work Assignments in a Visit Chain

If IFS/Mobile is used, and the work assignment has been sent to a mobile device then:

If the work assignment has not been sent to mobile then: