Arrange Tasks


Use this activity in a planning stage to arrange the work tasks on a work order by clicking Arrange Tasks on Prepare Work Order or Active Work orders page. The arrange tasks functionality is based on the dates set on the work tasks and the work order and plans the work tasks starting from the date selected in the Arrange Tasks dialog. If there are no dependencies between the work tasks on the work order the following dates are retrieved in the Arrange Tasks dialog.

It is also possible to manually enter a date in the Other field.

If there are dependencies between the work tasks on the work order the following dates are retrieved in the in the Arrange Tasks dialog.

It is also possible to manually enter a date in the Other field.

Selecting one of the dates above to use as a starting point, and running the arrange task functionality will re-plan the work tasks by setting the Planned Start and Planned Finish on all work tasks on the work order. The maintenance organization calendar is considered to plan all tasks within the specified working time.

If there are no dependencies between the work tasks the Planned Start will be set to the date chosen in the dialog on all work tasks. The Planned Finish will be set as the Planned Start plus the Duration on the work task.

If there are dependencies between the work tasks the Planned Start on the first work task will be set to the date chosen in the dialog. The next work tasks in the dependency chain will be planned accordingly to start when the previous work task Planned Finish is set, which creates a planning according to the dependencies.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, work tasks on the work order will be planned in time. The Planned Start and Planned Finish will be set on all work tasks. The Planned Start and Planned Finish on the work order will be updated with the with the Earliest Planned Start and latest Planned Finish of the work tasks.