Authorize Time Transactions


Use this activity to authorize time transactions reported for a work task. Time transactions reported for the work done for a Person is displayed in Work Task Transactions page with the Personnel transaction type. This could be time reported from a resource, employee or secondment employee of another company. The work task transaction ID is also updated in the Work Task/Costs tab for the respective cost line.

The transaction status is set as Reported when employee reports time for Person or Tool/Equipment usage. Once the transaction accountings are in status Valid and are correct, the work task transactions can be authorized. Authorization can be done directly on the work task transaction, or on the cost line that is the result of the reported transaction. It is possible to revoke the authorization in the same manner.

It is possible to automatically authorize time transactions when the work task that holds the transaction is set to Reported by setting the AUTO_AUTH_SIGN properties for the MaintenanceConfiguration object LU in the System Definitions Object Property to TRUE.

Work Task Transaction page can be used to view detailed information about transaction and its postings.

Work Task Transaction/Accounting tab can be used to view detailed accounting information about transactions related to work tasks. These posting lines provide details on the posting value, account, cost center, etc. The status can be Valid, Error, Transferred or Not Applicable. Postings in status Error have to be corrected before the transaction can be transferred to finance.

A work task transaction can have several posting lines if it is reposted. When reposted, new postings lines are created to reverse the previous transferred cost posting and to create a new posting line with the correct code string. When created, the status is Valid or Error. When transferred, the status is updated to Transferred .

If work task cost codes are used, then the retrived cost code is updated to the posting line.



System Effects