Create an Invoice Preview


This activity is used to create an Invoice Preview to initiate the invoicing of services done through work tasks/work orders. It is possible to merge sales lines for invoicing on a specific criteria, if needed. By default, when 'Merge by Sales Part' option is selected, the Price Effective Date on the sales lines will be automatically incorporated into the merging criteria. ‘Group by Transaction Date’ option, can be used when the Pricing Method used for the Site is either the System Date or Order Date. Then the grouping of the merged lines based on the Sales Part will be done by considering the transaction date as well, along with the price effective date. But it becomes irreverent for Delivery date setup, because both price effective date and the transaction date will be same on the sales line. Therefore the merge will be same no matter it is selected or not.

Or otherwise it is possible to invoice as sales line generated on work task execution and reporting. In general, it is considered that tasks must be reported before invoicing, but allowed to override it and invoice any sales line on a released task.

Invoice Preview is created from the Conlcude Work Order, action command Invoice Preview/Create Invoice Preview.
Invoice Preview can also be created from Generate Invoice Preview assistant for a particular Customer and Site.

Where Merge not will take place:


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects