Enter No-Part Line


This activity is used to enter a no-part line for a requisition of external resources, i.e., non-inventory parts and external craft. Users can enter the No Part Requistion related information in the No Part Requistion Lines group available in the Maintenace purchase Requistion page.


Before a no-part line is entered, the following must have been completed:

If the Service Management solution is used, the following must have been completed:

Note: The price and tax calculations are controlled by the Use Price Incl Tax option. The default value of the option is retrieved from the supplier for purchase part record. If the part does not have a supplier for purchase part record, the default value is retrieved from the site specified in the header. The value can be changed before saving, if necessary.If the Use Price Incl Tax option is enabled, the Price/Curr field is non editable and the price is calculated based on the price including tax value and the tax code.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, a no-part line for external resources for a work task is created. The status for the requisition line is set to Planned. If the status for the requisition header is Released, then the status for the requisition line is set to Released.