Issue Material


This activity is used to issue inventory parts or inventory-tracked rental tools you would need for your work task. You can choose to issue material manually or automatically. If you issue material manually, you can select the quantity you need. You can also select the inventory location from which the materials are issued. You cannot do this with automatic issue.

It is possible to connect a user to one or multiple warehouses from the User Connected to Warehouses page. This setup will effect the logic around how materials are reserved and issued.

Issue material option is enabled when the work task status is between status Released and WorkDone.

Material issuance can be done by Issue Material assistant or issue/unissue option in Maintenance Material Requisition.

Issue Material assistant

It is possible to issue already planned and/or reserved inventory parts in Issue Planned page. Any unplanned material can be issued directly from inventory in Issue New page.

The following options are available in the Issue Material assistant.

Issue Material assistant - Issue Planned

Issue Planned page of the assistant can be used to issue inventory parts that have already been planned for the work task. The planned material lines that are specified on the Materials tab of the work task are displayed here. Material lines that have either been closed or all required quantity has been issued are excluded.

The inventory parts available in inventory for a selected material line will be displayed in the Part Availability section. The user can select within the warehouse options Default, Connected and All to view the available parts in inventory. It is not required to reserve material before issuing it. User can specify the quantity to issue for a selected material line, keeping within the bounds of the quantity required.

By default, the available parts for the requested material are displayed in the Part Availability section. If the inventory part in the material line has alternate parts defined, user can view the available parts along with its serials (if applicable) by selecting the View for Alternate parts option. It is possible to issue any alternate parts by specifying the quantity to issue and the change reason. When an alternate part is issued through this dialog box it will automatically update the existing material line with the requirement changes. Alternate parts will be issued through a new material line created.

Issue Material assistant - Issue New

Issue New page of the assistant can be used to issue any inventory parts that are identified as required during execution of the work. Once the part is specified, all the parts available in inventory will be displayed in the Part Availability section. The user can select within the warehouse options Default, Connected and All to view the available parts and issue them from inventory. For a serial part it is possible to specify one or more serials at the same time to issue.

By default, the available parts for the requested material are displayed in the Part Availability section. If the requested part has alternate parts defined, user can view the available parts along with its serials (if applicable) by selecting the View for Alternate parts option. It is possible to issue any alternate parts by specifying the quantity to issue and the change reason.

Unplanned material issued through this tab will not create a material requisition line or a planning line in the Planning tab of the work task.

Ad hoc Work Reporting assistant

In Ad hoc Work Reporting assistant - Materials step, can be used to enter the inventory parts that has been required during the execution of the ad hoc work. In the Part Availability for Issue Material section, user can select a part from All Inventory parts or Object Spare Parts or Detached Spare Parts. Also the user can select within the warehouse options Default, Connected and All to view the available parts and issue them from inventory. For a serial part it is possible to specify one or more serials at the same time to issue.

Once user select the part and entered the quatity to issue, Click Add Parts to Issue button to add it to Parts to Issue section. On finishing the assistant a work task will be created and material lines in the Parts to Issue section will be issued on that work task. Unplanned material issued through this assistant will not create a material requisition line or a planning line in the Planning tab of the work task.

By default, the available parts for the requested material are displayed in the Part Availability section. If the requested part has alternate parts defined, user can view the available parts along with its serials (if applicable) by selecting the View for Alternate parts option. It is possible to issue any alternate parts by specifying the quantity to issue and the change reason.


Before issuing material, decide how the financial transactions will be posted. These rules apply to work order issues:

System Effects

If the Auto Repairable WO is enabled for the part in the Inventory Part Maint Info page.

If the user has connected warehouses in the User Connected to Warehouses window, the issue logic will work as below: