Plan Revenue Information


Use this activity to add or modify revenue information related to the planned services. Revenue information can be modified in Prepare Work Order/ Planning tab or Work Task/Planning tab. Invoice price of each unit, quantity to be invoiced and the invoice type can be defined for the planning lines.

Due to the different types of work that can be planned on a work task, one or several cost types are automatically displayed in the Planning tab. The cost types that can be automatically displayed are Personnel, Tool/Equipment, Materials, and External. Cost types of Expenses and Fixed Price need to be planned manually.

For manual External and Expense planning records, it is possible to define a Cost Category so that the sales part connected to it will be inherited to the planning record. For cost types Personnel and Tool/Equipment, the Time Type can be modified in the Work Task/Resources/Demands tab so that the sales part connected to the time type will be inherited automatically.

Further planning lines with cost type Fixed Price can be added manually. These can be modified so that the invoicing of the entire work done on the task will be handled through it.

To enter the revenue information, select a planning line or add a new one, enter Sales Part Number, Qty to Invoice and Invoice Type and save the information. The following table shows the possibilities you have to combine a value in the Work Order Cost Type field and a value in the Invoice Type field. The combination decides what is to be invoiced.

  As Reported Min Qty *) Max Qty *) Fixed Line Fixed Work Order
Personnel x x x    
Materials x x x    
External x x x    
Expenses x x x    
Fixed Price   x x x x


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the Planning tab displays information about work task revenue. The combination of the value in the Cost Type field, the value in the Invoice Type field, and the value in the Quantity to Invoice field, decides if the row is to be invoiced and what information the invoice line will contain.