Prepost Work Task


Use this activity to manually enter code part values to be used when financial transactions are created. These values are validated against the code part values in IFS/Accounting Rules. The code part values are later used to create financial transactions for the work task. The preposting information overrides any values created by posting control.

The procedure of setting the pre posting on a work task is according to following:


Before the information is entered, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, work task pre postings will be updated and those code part values will be taken into account when generating transactions related to the work task.

Note that pre postings of work tasks will not be copied to the purchase requisition lines. Any pre postings defined on purchase requisition lines would only be considered on work task accountings only if postings relevant to work task purchase transactions are defined with the control type A10(copy from source).