Report External Costs


This activity is used to enter external costs that incur when executing work on a work task. The cost reporting is done using the Report Manual Transactions dialogue and can be initiated from the work task, work assignments or from planning.

In the Ad hoc Work Reporting assistant, the work task is created after finishing the assistant. So the external costs entered in the Time - Expenses step and the relevant work task transactions will be created after the work task is created.

If a sales part is connected to the cost category it will be fetched to the sales line created with reference to the cost line. Otherwise the sales part information will be fetched from the connected Planning line.

NOTE : To report additional costs the Cost Type, Quantity and the Cost Amount should be defined.

For service related activities the Cost Category can be specified, so that sales lines are created with the relevant price information.


System Effects

Note: If the AUTO_AUTH_SIGN_EXT property for the MaintenanceConfiguration object LU in the System LU Values/Object Property tab is set to TRUE, the transactions with cost type External is automatically authorized when setting the work task status to Reported or above.