Reserve Material


This activity is used to reserve inventory parts you need for a work order. To make sure that the material is available for the work order, you can allocate it, which means that you physically select the items you need. When you make an allocation, no one else can issue the material; it is destined for this work order. The status of a work order determines what can be done with material requirements. You can reserve material if the work order status is set to Under Preparation or higher. In order to reserve material, the required quantity has to be available in inventory. If the requested part is not available in inventory, the user can reserve an alternate part (if already exists for the given part) along with its serials if applicable by Reserve Materials assistant. If an alternate part is reserved in place of the requested part, a new material requisition line will be created for the alternate part and the alternate part/s will be reserved for it. The original material requisition line will be updated with the changes.

You can choose to reserve material manually or automatically. If you reserve material manually, you can select the quantity you need. You can also select the inventory location from which the materials are issued. You cannot do this if you were to automatically reserve the material.

When manually reserving the material, select the material line and click Reserve Manually. Enter the quantity you want to reserve from the selected inventory location. You can see the number of parts available in the inventory.
It is possible to reserve material that are serial tracked or not serial tracked. For parts that are serial tracked, you can select which serial is to be reserved.

When automatically reserving the material, select one or more material requisition line(s) you want to reserve and click Reserve. The selected  records will be updated accordingly. You can only reserve material automatically if the material is not serial tracked.

Non-inventory registered material should be processed through requisitions on work orders, which create their own purchase orders.

Note: If a material line is not selected in the table it will not be considered for manual or automatic reserve. Further, the unselected material lines will not reflect changes that may occur in parallel (for example, if a part is reserved on another work order)

Manual Reservation and Reserve materials assistants can also be used to create a transport task to move the material. If the executed-by user has a default warehouse and the user reserves material outside the default warehouse, a transport task will be created to move the material to the default warehouse. It is also possible to move material to another location by typing a location number in the to Location No field.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, an inventory part is reserved and available for a work order at the required time. The number of parts reserved will be displayed in the Quantity Reserved field. 

Material can be unreserved, if necessary. Use the Unreserve option to unreserve material for a single line or the Unreserve All option to unreserve material for multiple lines.

If the executed-by field on the work order or the operation line has a user with connected warehouses, the reserve logic works as below: