Enter Absence Import Definition


This activity is used to define the file format and mapping for the Absence Import functionality. Currently the Format ID E-ZLA - External Sick Certificate can be used to import Absence Records. This format supports all regular absences and also includes specific requirements for Polish Sick Leave (Needs to be configured using specific employee property fields).

In the section CSV the formats of the values in the import file are defined. In the table Mapping List, the mapping of database columns to columns in the import file must be defined.

After finalizing the Absence Import Definition, the command Upload will create a Migration Job which will be named RECEIVE_ABS_TX_ followed by the Import Definition ID. With this Migration Job, the data from import files can be imported into the Absence Import page, where the Absences can be approved and created.


There are no prerequisites

System Effects

A Migration Job which can be used to import Absence Records is created.