Customer Owned Parts

Receive parts on component repair order

The receive part functionality is used to report receipt of parts sent from the customer. It is used both on CRO exchanges and repairs. For singe exchanges this activity is used to receive the exchange units sent from the customer. These parts can also be received using a CRO receive order. For loans this activity is used to return company owned loan units from the customer. For double exchanges this activity is used to return company owned loan units from the customer, which the customer has been using while the customer's repair part items is being repaired. The repair parts in a double exchange scenario need to be received on the appropriate CRO repair.

Receive parts using a receive order

It is possible to utilize the purchase order process to receive and reserve customer owned parts. The receive is created in Released state for the part defined on the component repair order line with the corresponding quantity. The receive order is a purchase order and hence is it possible to use all purchase order related functionality for example; receive in to an arrival location, move to a quality inspection location, process control plans etc. The receive order is recommended to use for more complex parts with high demands of inspections before processing and/or with low frequency of recurrent work scope. Using a receive order can be considered as a more controlled way to receive customer owned parts than the receive part functionality. The user can also record accessories which were sent by the customer with the part to be repaired when using a receive order.