Issue Repair Part and Consumables


For a repair shop order, you issue both repair part and consumables. You can issue material for an entire shop order, perform a partial issue or issue only the reserved material or issue material just for a specific shop order material line. These options can be combined based on your requirements.

It is possible to automatically issue material for a shop order. When this activity is performed, the system will select the inventory location. During the automatic issuing of parts, the supply codes related to the shop order material lines are taken into consideration. To issue material automatically, click Material Actions, then click Issue.

Another option is to manually issue material for the material lines you select. This means that you can select the inventory location from which you want to retrieve the material. Also when you manually issue material, you can control how much is to be issued and from which inventory location. When performing a manual issue, the supply code of the shop order material line will be considered when displaying the available stock. You do not have to issue material to begin the repair process and you are neither forced to reserve the material before issuing. To issue material manually, select materials on the Materials tab and click Manual Issue.

A third option is to issue material for a shop order based on a pick list. You can issue all material on the pick list or issue material for a material line. There can be several pick lists for the same shop order, i.e., only certain material lines for the shop order are displayed. The default quantity to issue per material line is the quantity needed to process the repair of the remaining quantity of the repair part. You can issue material using a pick list on the Report Picking of Shop Order Pick List page.

If the catch unit is enabled for the part, it will only be possible to issue components automatically once the entire quantity in the inventory location is issued. If the entire quantity in the inventory location is not issued, a message will be displayed requesting you to enter the catch unit. In such situations you need to perform the issue of components manually.


System Effects

As a result of this activity: