Print Interest Invoice/Note


Use the Print Interest Invoice/note activity to print interest invoices/notes. The Interest Proposal must be acknowledged before you can access the Create and Print Interest Invoices/Notes option. Only invoices/notes with Included status are covered. One invoice/note is printed per recipient, template, and currency. For regular customers, the recipient of the interest invoice/note is either the customer or (when the Send Interest Invoice to Other Payer option is selected in the Misc Payment Info of the customer's basic data) the other payer of the invoices included in the proposal. For a one-time customer, each invoice address ID is a separate recipient.

The invoices/notes included are sorted by due date. For each outstanding invoice/note, interest is calculated for the period in the same currency as the original invoice/note. This means that the same invoice/note can be divided among a number of calculations because partial payments have been made and different interest rates have been used. Depending upon how interest is to be calculated, interest can be worked out either between due date and payment date or between due date and calculation date/last interest calculation date.

The interest proposal is deleted automatically when Print Interest Invoices/notes has been executed. If the print fails, the invoices/notes are still available. You can print the invoices/notes again via Info Service on the File  menu. This document can be printed as an invoice or a note. You can specify if the printed document should be an invoice or a note by selecting the relevant option in the Document Type field in the Company/Payment/General tab.

The invoices/notes will be posted when the Print Interest Invoices/notes option is selected, only if the Post Interest Invoices Separately option is not selected in the Company/Payment/General tab. When this option is selected, the invoices/notes can be posted separately by using the Customer Interest Invoices/Notes page.


Before you print interest invoices/notes, check that posting type PP20 (Interest revenue) is entered in Posting Control.

If you want the invoices/notes to be printed and posted separately, the Post Interest Invoices Separately option is required to be selected in the Company/Payment/General tab.

System Effects

If invoices/notes have only been printed and not posted, they can be viewed and posted using the Customer Interest Invoices/Notes page.

If the Post Interest Invoices Separately option is not selected in the Company/Payment/General tab, when an interest invoice/note has been printed and no errors are detected, a voucher is created that updates accounts receivable and interest income accounts per posting control and pre-posting. Postings are created according to posting control.

If the method used to calculate interest on invoices/notes overdue is WhenDueForPayment or WhenPartlyPaid, the following system effects would take place.

Invoice Status System Effect
Paid/Posted Interest status in the Reminder/Interest Info per Customer Invoice page will be automatically changed to Fully Calculated .
PartlyPaid/Posted Interest status in the Reminder/Interest Info per Customer Invoice page will be automatically be changed to In Progress .