Merge Account


This activity is used to merge one Account to another. Go to the duplicate record from the Account-CRM page and click Merge Account to open the Merge Account assistant. First you select the master record, i.e. the account record to which the duplicate record will be merged. If duplicates have been found, they will be listed and you can select one of the accounts. If no duplicates have been identified, you can enable the Show All Records option to see all accounts.

In the following steps, you can select which information of the duplicate record should be merged to the master record. Option buttons are given for Account Info, Addresses, Communication Methods & Contacts so that you can select each entry to include it in the master account.

By clicking on Merge, master record will be modified and the duplicate record will be deleted.


Account record should be Non-Customer record (i.e. Prospect, End Customer, Other). This is to avoid the complexities arises when accounts of Customer category are connected to different object types such as sales quotations of a status where customer can not be edited.

Account record should not be connected to other objects such as Lead, Business Activity, Business Opportunity, Sales Quotation , Service Quotations, Sales Contracts, Estimates etc.

System Effects

When you complete the merge process, duplicate account record is deleted. Selected information of duplicate record are transferred to the master account.