Edit Configuration


This activity is used to edit configuration characteristics for a configured part revision effective on the due date for a demand order. A configuration is a unique combination of characteristics and options that define and comprise a configurable part.

The configuration of a part can be initiated in IFS/Manufacturing Standards, IFS/Customer Orders, IFS/CRM, IFS/Shop Order or IFS/Dynamic Order Processing.

If the requested configuration of a part can not be produced in time or if it can not be produced at all, the configuration may be changed. The conditions to be able to edit the characteristic record of the configuration after a change of the required date, are different depending on if the change means that another part configuration revision is effective or not. If the new required date is within the original part configuration revision, no change is done and the original part configuration revision is used when editing the configuration. If the changed required date falls within another revision, it is possible to either continue with the original revision or use the new effective revision. If the new revision is used when editing, all identical characteristic options towards the original revision is used and all other characteristics/options are excluded. All new mandatory characteristics must be defined. If the original revision is used when editing, the original configuration will be displayed on the page.

If the planned delivery date is changed and the new effective part configuration revision is selected, then all configuration base prices are updated according to the prices defined for the effective revision. It is not possible to change the base part revision and retain the original prices or select the configuration base prices of another revision. All prices are strictly connected to its part configuration revision and can only be used to define the sales price when the revision is used.

If the intended configuration can not be produced the configuration may be changed. For a DOP header, it is not possible to edit the configuration from the DOP Header page if the header is connected to a customer order line. Then you must edit the configuration from the customer order line. If the DOP order is pegged to another DOP order in the same structure a warning message will be given.

The configuration for a configurable part is edited using the Edit Configuration assistant. The assistant can be accessed from business opportunity, estimate item, sales quotation, customer order, interim header, shop order and DOP by clicking Configuration and then Edit.

You edit the configuration in the Characteristics section in the Create Configuration assistant.

Note: Configuration can be done in two different modes, depending on the Configure By Category setting for the configuration family. In standard mode, when Configure By Category is disabled, all characteristics are displayed in the table to be configured. When Configure By Category is enabled you can configure one category at a time. It is only the characteristics connected to the current category that is displayed in the table.

If a configuration template exists for the configuration part revision you can use it to load a set of characteristic values as a new starting point. To do that open the Load Template dialog by clicking Template and then Load Template. In the dialog specify which template that should be loaded in the Template field and click OK.

At the start of a configuration, the status of the configuration is always set to Incomplete. When all mandatory and optional characteristics have a valid option value the status will automatically be set to Completed. When the status is Completed, connected orders can be released for further processing. You can manually change the status to Parked at any time during the configuration by clicking Park. That means that connected orders cannot be released until you have manually changed the configuration to Completed by clicking Complete

If sales rules are connected to the configure part and revision, the sales rule engine is executed automatically when you open the Edit Configuration assistant. All sales rules are then executed upon any change of characteristic or option value in the configuration section. Use the sales rule logger functionality to analyze the sales rule evaluation (see Activity Sales Rule Logger). To analyze the characteristics added, removed and modified with regard to the latest change in the configuration open the Log - Changes section by clicking Log and the Show Log.

If you want to save the configuration as a template click Template and then Save as Template. As described above, a configuration template can be used as a new starting point when editing an existing configuration. It can also be used when creating a new configuration, see activity Create Configuration.

If you want to adjust all characteristic prices, price of characteristic group, or the Total Part Price then you can use commands under  Adjust Price, after completing the configuration. See activity Adjust Configuration Price.


IFS/Configuration Back Office and IFS/Configuration Characteristic must have been installed. Also, the part must have a configuration.

You can modify the configuration from IFS/Customer Orders even after the customer order has been released. The following additional prerequisites apply if the released customer order had been pegged:

System Effects

As a result of this activity,