Create Sales Rule Combination


This activity is used to create a combination table for use in configuration sales rules. A combination table allows you to express a value result depending on the combinations of configuration factors. It can be referenced in sales rules in a similar way as a sales rule formula. Structured like a spreadsheet, a combination table is defined by identifying the factors affecting the result (i.e. the columns of the spreadsheet) and then filling in the data combinations (and the associated return value for type Function). When using type Function, the return values for each combination are used. If a default return value is added in the combination table, the value will be used for evaluation if the combination from the configuration does not exist in the combination table. The factors can include any type of value derived from a configuration including characteristic values.

Values that can be used in the table are:

For example, a combination table can be used to handle which values to be valid and displayed in list of values. One example is when you set a combination with COUNTRY, VOLTAGE and SECURITY STOP.

EUR 240 Basic
EUR 400 Basic
UK 240 %
UK 400 %
NA 115 Childproof
NA 240 Childproof

Another example is to derive a quantity of possible number of windows to add to the configuration depending on the height and width of a product configuration, that can be expressed with two factors: HEIGHT, WIDTH, as shown below:

0 - 3000 0-3000 3
3001-4000 0-3000 4
4001-5000 0-3000 5
0-3000 3001-5000 6
3001-4000 3001-5000 8
4001-5000 3001-5000 10

To create a new sales rule combination table first create a new record with information about the combination. The sales rule combination may either be of combination type Allowed, Not Allowed or Function depending on whether they handle only the available options or if they are used to get return values from sales rules. The created sales rule combination will be in status Planned, indicating it is not yet ready to be used. The Used in Released setting will automatically be set to Yes when the combination is connected to a released part configuration revision. Click Select Factors in the Combination Values section and select which configuration characteristics to use as factors in the Select Combination Factors dialog. The selected factors will be represented as new columns in the Combination Values section. Then create new items in the Combination Values and select values for the factors in order to create combinations.

Finally, to release the sales rule combination click Release.

If you want to test the sales rule combinations open the Test Sales Combination dialog by clicking Test Combination. By setting test values in the table you will found out what sales rule combinations exists.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, a sales rule combination is created for use in the configuration sales rules. The sales rule combination can be used in a configuration if connected to a sales rule / sales rule template.