Enter System Parameter Info in Accounting Rules


Use this activity to define system parameter settings that are valid for Accounting Rules. Preferably, this activity is performed during the set up of basic data for Accounting Rules in order to define the initial values for the parameters. Most of the parameters can be modified at a later stage.

The following parameters are supported:

Parameter  Default Parameter Value Comment
ACCRUL_ID * In distributed installations of IFS Financials, each installation  must have an unique identity. This identity is specified via the parameter ACCRUL_ID.
CLIENT_BACKUP_PATH c:\temp The default backup path for external input files defined on external file templates. Note that this path should be valid for any PC in the network.
CLIENT_INPUT_PATH c:\temp The default input path for external input files defined on external file templates. Note that this path should be valid for any PC in the network.
CLIENT_OUTPUT_PATH c:\temp The default output path for external output files defined on external file templates. Note that this path should be valid for any PC in a network.
DEFAULT_VALID_TO 20491231 Is used as the default end date in some functions.
DEFAULT_X_DATE_FORMAT YYYY-MM-DD The default date format for external input/output files, defined in external file templates. Note that this must be a date format that is supported by Oracle.
DEFAULT_X_DECIMAL_SYMBOL . The default decimal symbol for numeric values in external input/output files, defined in external file templates.
DEFAULT_X_FILE_EXT csv Default file extension for external input and output files defined in external file templates.
DEFAULT_X_FILE_TYPE_LIST *^* Default file type list for external input files defined in external file templates.
DEFAULT_X_SEPARATOR_ID 1 Default separator identity defined in external file templates, normally referring to a semicolon.
EXT_REMOVE_DAYS_IN 30 Used as the default number of days that loaded external input file transactions should be kept, from transaction date, until they are removed by a clean-up job.
EXT_REMOVE_DAYS_OUT 30 Used as the default number of days that created external output file transactions should be kept, from transaction date, until they are removed by a clean-up job.
FINREP_INLIST_OPT_PERIOD_LIMIT 30 This parameter can be used as a performance improving mechanism in IFS/Financial Reporting. It is used as the default number of accounting periods that will trigger the reduced cardinality hint introduced in IFS/Financial Reporting. If the parameter value is 0 or NULL existing approach is used where YEAR_PERIOD_KEY columns are evaluated with high and low year_period values, but without bind variables. If the true number of periods is less than or equal to the parameter value, the new approach is used to evaluate the period range against a temporary table (holding year_period_key values) with the cardinality hint set to 5. If the true number of periods is greater than the parameter value, the new approach is used to evaluate the period range against a temporary table (holding year_period_key values) with the cardinality hint set to the true number of periods.
NAME_OPTION_DATE_FORMAT YYYY-MM-DD Defines the date format to be used as a part of the file name when creating output files via the external files interface. The output file option Name Option used by external file templates can be defined as "AddDate" and "AddLoadIdAndDate" and in these cases the NAME_OPTION_DATE_FORMAT is used when creating the output file name.
MASTER_OR_SLAVE MASTER Valid values are MASTER or SLAVE. Used in distributed installations of IFS Financials where one of the installations serves as the master and all the others as slaves.
GL_UPDATE_BATCH_QUEUE FALSE Valid values are TRUE and FALSE. The default value is set as FALSE. If the parameter value is TRUE, GL updates will not be executed online. All the GL update jobs will be executed in a separate batch queue assigned by the system parameter GL_UPDATE_BATCH_QUEUE_ID.
GL_UPDATE_BATCH_QUEUE_ID Allocated ID from the system The Batch Queue ID will be set by the system. If the parameter value is set as TRUE for GL_UPDATE_BATCH_QUEUE all the GL updates will be posted to this queue. The Batch Queue ID is a non editable value.


Use this activity to define system parameter settings that are valid for IFS/Accounting Rules. The activity can be performed after having installed or upgraded IFS Cloud.

System Effects

Modifying or defining system parameters will affect the behavior of functions that are mostly in Accounting Rules, such as the general external file interface and specific external interfaces in IFS Financials. Note that parameters related to distributed installations should be defined prior to using the distributed installation. Generally speaking, once the system is in operation, modifications should not be performed.